Friday, May 12, 2006


The Grave Truth About An Urban Legend

Well, it is Mother's Day....

A website which validates or debunks various "urban legends" has "confirmed" something very disturbing about infamous mom Cindy Sheehan.

Sheehan, who has publically exploited her son's death - who died fighting for his country with honor - to call attention to herself and voice her liberal views, has supposedly failed to honor him in death in an even BIGGER way. According to, she has been so busy getting herself arrested in various media photo-ops that she's neglected buy a headstone for her son's grave.

If this is true, it certainly says a lot about how obsessed (and sidetracked) extremists can become when given a little bit (or a LOT, in this case) of attention...

Good point.
Now we can see why she's MIA in the media...
hasn't stopped Susan Saranden from protesting with (and weeping for) her on Mother's Day though...
Graveyards are for the cult of the dead anyhow.

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It never was, nor is it now, about her brave son. It's always been about her. The stupid grin on her face every time she gets photographed being arrested stands in evidence to this fact.

Great scoop!
Kind of makes you wonder if she was proud of what her son believed even before he died.
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